【維瑪新聞】(2013年2月)16歲的Ben Arend,維瑪歷來最年輕的白金領袖! (注:美國16歲就可以經營)
Ben Arend-來至高中二年級的維瑪經營夥伴,在對的時間經營維瑪!
For high school sophomore and Vemma Brand Partner Ben Arend, Vemma came along at just the right time. “My parents had been telling me I had to get a job. Vemma's a great opportunity for young people. They agreed to support me with Vemma, and I appreciate the flexibility of running my own business. Sure, it's hard sometimes when your friends want to hang out on a Friday night, but it's worth it. Stick to your priorities. Hard work pays off.” Ben has progressed rapidly with Vemma , becoming the youngest Diamond in the history of the company. He's on track to hitting Platinum this month!
Starting his Business
Ben第一次聽說維瑪,是從他的朋友科迪·巴頓。 “科迪基本上是我的大家長,一起建立維瑪事業。科迪剛剛從高中畢業,現在已是總裁。但當時,他是金級領袖,並還沒有賺很多錢。儘管我是如此年輕,但他對我 很認真。科迪不斷提及解釋Vemma的健康能量飲料。之後我與我父母商量後,一個星期後,我加入了Vemma。去年的年會前3週我升級銅級配套。 ”Ben說,他的下一個目標是他大學二年級結束前要領取寶馬335i雙門轎跑車的資格。
Ben first heard about Vemma from his friend Cody Barton. “Cody's basically like my big brother now, through building Vemma together. Cody just graduated from high school and is now Executive, but at the time he was Gold, so he wasn't making much money yet. Even though I was so young, he took me seriously. Cody explained the healthy energy drink and kept mentioning the long term. I went home and talked to my parents. We had a meeting with Cody, and a week later I joined. I signed up about three weeks before last year's Convention, so I went to Convention as Bronze.”
Ben says that his next goal is to qualify for a BMW 335i Coupe by the end of his sophomore year.
Overcoming the High School Mentality
“早些時候,我的第一個問題是,認為大多數同齡孩子都不積極和努力.”Ben說。 “他們生活仍然依靠父母,而且很多人也不明白為什麼他們必須這樣做。但是,我克服了這點,並與稍微比我大的孩子們一起創業。”
Ben 不斷鼓勵新的伙伴,堅持行之有效的製度,並與他們的教練保持接觸。 “我告訴他們,這不是你一個人工作。我們的上線都是無限代合作一直都再幫忙著大家,提供培訓,激勵我們去一個創建新的水平。我很興奮當我升上銀級,並告訴 朋友這些消息,有一些朋友也一起加入了我的成功線,然後建立了我的團隊。現在,我的團隊已經擴大到其他國家了。”
“One of my first problems early on was that most kids my age aren't that motivated to work hard and take this seriously,” he says. “They're still living off mom and dad, and many don't see why they have to do this. I overcame that by working with kids slightly older than me.” Ben encourages new Brand Partners to stick to the proven system and stay in contact with their upline leaders. “I tell them, don't think you have to do this all by yourself. My upline helped me from the start, doing calls, trainings, pushing me and motivating me to get to the next level. I didn't hold back. I was excited, I got my Silver pack, talked to my friends, got some friends on board, and then built my teams. Now it's expanded out of the country.”
The Vemma Difference
Ben說維瑪最大的影響是讓他改變了他自己。 “他讓我成為一個積極的人,看事物都往積極的一面。他讓我完成我的夢想。他讓我是成為一個外向,積極和有驅動的人。當我第一次開始使用維瑪,我的動機是 錢,賺到足夠的錢,所以我沒有找過一份任何工作。現在,我更側重於幫助別人,幫助他們獲得像我一樣的夢想。”
Ben says the biggest impact Vemma has had on him is how it has changed him personally. “It's made me more of a positive person, looking at the positive side of things. It makes me wake up and do stuff and accomplish things. I' m more outgoing, more motivated and driven. When I first started with Vemma, I was motivated by money and earning enough so I didn't have to get a regular job.* Now, I'm more focused on helping people and helping them get to where I am. I'm a better person.” Long term, Ben plans to graduate from high school, continue building his Vemma business, go to college, and someday invest in housing and stocks.
Tips for New Brand Partners
- 堅持你所相信的 Stick to what you believe
- 別讓偷夢人偷走你的夢想 Don't let what anyone says get to you
- 努力 Work hard
- 使用系統 Use the system
- 設立目標 Set your priorities
- 不要放棄 Don’t hold back!
在美國,16歲都可以把維瑪做起,更何況是我們亞洲至少18~20歲方可經營,條件都比他稍微好一些嘛,想不想成功,就是看我們自己的行動咯! ^^
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